Meta Layoffs

Policy on util packages

Findings from six months of running `govulncheck` in CI

Adventures in password hashing + migrating to Argon2id


Short, friendly base32 slugs from timestamps

A ChatGPT-authored article hit the front page of HN this morning

Easy, alternative soft deletion: `deleted_record_insert`

Partitioning in Postgres, 2022 Edition

Safely renaming a table with no downtime in Postgres

The disproportionate influence of early tech decisions

Code in database vs. code in application

Soft Deletion Probably Isn't Worth It

Small, Sharp Tools

Mostly automatic Go dependency updates with GitHub Actions

Generating a random `float64` with `crypto/rand`

Identity Crisis: Sequence v. UUID as Primary Key

There's always an events table

Heroku: Core Impact

Sorbet and 100% cov makes Ruby refactoring possible

Reservation-style rate limiting APIs

Can Slack-mania be cured with systemized discipline?

Single Dependency Stacks

Building API Docs

Flags vs. Gates

Anatomy of a Great API Library

Canonical Log Lines 2.0

Postgres: Boundless `Text` and Back Again

How We Went All In on sqlc/pgx for Postgres and Go

Error stack traces in Go with x/xerror

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