Dialog: An Inform 7 and Prolog inspired language for interactive fiction

The TTY demystified (2008)

Pipe Logic (2011)

Pipe Logic – Simulating circuits in the Unix shell (2011)

A Mind is Born

Massively Interleaved Sprite Crunch – C64 Demo Effect (2016)

The TTY demystified

A case against syntax highlighting

30 year old Commodore 64 bug demystified

The Chipophone – A homemade 8-bit synthesizer

Linus Akesson: the winning Underhanded C contest entry 2015

The TTY demystified

The TTY demystified

The TTY demystified (2008)

Kernighan's lever

The Symbolic Links Virtual Machine

Elements of Chip Music

GCR decoding on the fly

The TTY demystified