A new study reveals that more than one-fifth of the world’s tigers and one in 200 jaguars have been affected by habitat loss linked to hydropower projects

A new 100-page report raises alarm over Chevron’s impact on planet

Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems

‘Great concern’ as study finds microplastics in human placentas

Is planting trees as good for the Earth as everyone says?

Brazil prosecutors seek ban on all gold mining in hard-hit Amazonian region

Study shows how soy and cattle team up to drive deforestation in South America

As Amazon deforestation hits 12 year high, France rejects Brazilian soy

Declining fish biodiversity in Peruvian Amazon affecting human nutrition

We have turned the Amazon into a net greenhouse gas emitter: Study

Artificial Pollination and Bee Conservation

Geography on the plate: The culinary rediscovery of Colombia’s biodiversity

Brazil scientists map forest regrowth keeping Amazon from collapse: Study

From underwater tunnels to communication cables snaking across the ocean floor, structures made by humans are encroaching on marine life at an ever-growing pace

In China, public support grows to rein in the wildlife trade in the wake of the pandemic, finds study

Chinese demand and domestic instability are wiping out Senegal’s last forests

Mauritius oil spill occurred when tanker captain sought Wi-Fi signal near shore

Though forests burn, trees retake farmland globally as agroforestry advances

Investors say agroforestry isn’t just climate friendly – it’s also profitable

Smaller fragments of forest at risk of greater levels of deforestation, study finds

Farms with just one or a handful of different crops encourage fewer species of pollinating and pest-controlling insects to linger, ultimately winnowing away crop yields, according to a new study.

Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life

A paper published in Science today outlines a new “Global Deal for Nature,” officially launching an effort to establish science-based conservation targets covering all of planet Earth…

Tropical deforestation now emits more CO2 than the EU

A new dimension to marine restoration: 3D printing coral reefs

Exotic amphibians and reptiles sold inexpensively as pets are more likely to end up in the wild, where they can pose problems for native wildlife

Only 12 alive Californian Porpoises remain in the planet

More than 7% of intact forest landscapes disappeared between 2000 & 2013, finds Science Advances study

Nature provides $145 trillion annually in benefits, 150% of global GDP, estimates Global Environmental Change study

Culling elephants leaves an impact on their social structure decades later

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