Sweating the small stuff: Smartwatch developed at UCLA measures stress hormone

New findings raise the possibility that vaccine boosters may be equally effective in improving antibodies’ ability to target multiple variants of the virus, including the delta variant…

Researchers have identified rare, naturally occurring T cells that are capable of targeting a protein found in SARS-CoV-2 and a range of other coronaviruses

UCLA astronomers discover more than 300 possible new exoplanets

A new study strengthens the case that climate change has been the main cause of the growing amount of land in the western U.S

A visit from a social robot improves hospitalized children’s outlook

A decade after gene therapy, children born with deadly immune disorder remain healthy

UCLA study shows physicians dispensed opioids for back pain more frequently to their white patients than to their patients of color

New metric shows COVID cut average lifespan by nearly a decade in parts of USA

UCLA-led study could clarify how microbes can exacerbate cognitive decline - "Alterations in the gut microbiota contribute to cognitive impairment induced by the ketogenic diet and hypoxia"

New mothers’ sleep loss linked to accelerated aging

The number of COVID-19 cases and the number of deaths from the disease both increased dramatically after states lifted eviction moratoriums that had been in place to protect people who were struggling to make rent payments during the pandemic

Women who use electronic cigarettes during pregnancy are 33% more likely than those who don’t to give birth to low-birthweight infants, according to a new study by a team of researchers from UCLA and other institutions.

Conservatives’ sensitivity to pandemic threat suppressed by distrust of science, media

COVID-19 antibodies appear to wane rapidly

Experimental gene therapy cures children born without an immune system

Proportion of Black physicians in U.S

Tweens and TV: UCLA’s 50-year survey reveals the values kids learn from popular shows from 1967-2017

Scientists jump-start two people’s brains after coma

Mothers’ stress may lead to preterm births, faster aging in children

UCLA researchers are the first to create a version of COVID-19 in mice that shows how the disease damages organs other than the lungs

N95 respirators, which are widely worn by health care workers treating patients with COVID-19 and are designed to be used only once, can be decontaminated effectively and used up to three times…

Coronavirus antibodies fall dramatically in first 3 months after mild cases of COVID-19 according to new UCLA study

If physical distancing measures in the United States are relaxed while there is still no COVID-19 vaccine or treatment and while personal protective equipment remains in short supply, the number of resulting infections could be near the same as if distancing had never been implemented to begin with.

How conspiracy theories emerge – and how their storylines fall apart

Wearable-tech glove translates sign language into speech in real time through a smartphone app

In experiments in mice as well as isolated human cancer cells, UCLA researchers have discovered a way to eliminate leukemia stem cells

UCLA chemists have reported the key chemical discovery necessary for the creation of a small, electronic marijuana breathalyzer

Drug prevents cognitive impairment in mice after radiation treatment for brain tumors

UCLA researchers have found it is possible to assess a person’s ability to feel empathy by studying their brain activity while they are resting rather than while they are engaged in specific tasks

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