Undocumented 8086 Opcodes part 1

Undefined Isn’t Unpredictable

Does (E)IP Wrap Around in 16-bit Segments?

Slovenian OS/2 Warp 4

Antique Display Driving

Learn Something Old Every Day, Part VI: Backward Buffer Overwrite

Windows 9x Video Minidriver HD+

Identify ESDI Drive

The Strange Case of GetEnvironmentStringsA

FantasyLand on VGA

Vague Standards Are Trouble

Why Does Windows Use Backslash as Path Separator? (2019)


Where Did CP852 Come From?

XMVM Surgery

Unidentified PC DOS 1.1 Boot Sector Junk Identified

Another Myth Busted

First Dual-Channel IDE?

The Secret History of ATAPI

Mystery NetBurst (2016)

Looking for High Sierra

PC DOS 1.1 from Scratch


Explaining how the MASM 2-pass assembler works

The Dual-Drive IDE Hell

The IBM PC, 41 Years Ago

Learn Something Old Every Day, Part II

Learn Something Old Every Day

Whence Identify Drive?

EISA Specification 3.1

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