Age and High-Growth Entrepreneurship

Only four times in US presidential history has the candidate with fewer popular votes won

Study: Students who went through vocational training enjoyed a wage premium into their thirties

An increase in high-skilled immigrants decreases the share of Republican votes, while an inflow of low-skilled immigrants increases it

Subway system openings reduce particulate pollution by 4 percent in highly polluted city centers

Researchers investigated effect of driving on teenage mortality and risky behaviors such as drug use

Many believed that rise in opioid use was driven by demand for painkillers

There are sizable, long-term returns to investments in means-tested, public preschool programs: Head Start (comprehensive education services to children of low-income families) has generated large boosts in in high school completion, college enrollment and college completion among affected students.

Growth by proximity – Moretti on the effect of high-tech hubs on innovation

In 2005, Texas sharply reduced the provision of special education (education services that accommodate individuals with disabilities and special needs)

Southern slaveholder households in 1860 lost substantially more wealth by 1870 than comparable Southern households

Medicaid coverage for children has more than paid for itself in the long run

Criminal registration in DNA databases massively reduces the likelihood that criminals re-offend, and increases the probability that offenders are identified if they do re-offend

Father Couglin's radio broadcasts (which blended populist demagoguery, anti-Semitism, and fascist sympathies) reduced Franklin D

"Early childhood Medicaid eligibility reduces mortality and disability, increases employment, and reduces receipt of disability transfer programs up to 50 years later

Researchers found that extending the length of unemployment insurance had no significant impact on employment

Study: In Alabama, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia, defendants are punished more severely on average as the county share of the Black population increases from 0% until peaking around 30%

Why the United States has the best research universities

Inmates who are assigned to private prisons (which earn money through a per diem for each occupied bed) rather than public prisons end up serving 90 additional days on average

Using data from Florida Highway Patrol (individualized to each officer), researchers show that White drivers are significantly more likely to receive a discount on their speeding tickets than minorities

New study suggests that Facebook may be exacerbating polarization

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in the US massively improved the financial standing of disabled individuals: "Disability allowance reduces the likelihood of bankruptcy by 20 percent…

Study: German immigrants significantly boosted Union Army enlistments through newspapers, social clubs, and public speaking tours

Economists offer some positive news for researchers who rely on lab experiments for their work

In 2004, Switzerland opened its borders to European cross-border workers

Paid maternity leave leads to improved maternal health, in particular for first-time and low-resource mothers. [Data from Norway]

Polarization between judges in the U.S. court system (from the U.S. Supreme Court to the lowest state court) has increased over time

Study: Increasing undocumented immigration raised both wages and employment for native workers

Study: Much of Rwanda’s mass violence could have been stopped if key armed groups controlled by elites had been sidelined early

Factors that drive college attendance have shifted dramatically in the post-WWII era

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