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More stringent occupational licensing is associated with less competition, higher prices, and no increase in demand or consumer satisfaction

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the key legislative achievement in the first year of the Donald Trump administration, substantially raised the federal debt and disproportionately increased incomes for the most affluent

The history and future of workplace automation (2015)

In 2007, Australia imposed a curfew on first-year drivers, banning them from driving late at night with two or more passengers (this form of driving accounted for one-fifth of traffic fatalities)

What happens when we pay public high school teachers based on performance

Prices at local grocery stores decrease and product variety increases when more housing is built in an area

A new study by Hadavand et al

Within-firm pay transparency narrows coworker wage gaps, but also causes employers to bargain more aggressively to lower average wages

The Ebola scare of 2014 led to lower Democratic vote shares in the 2014 election – In the weeks prior to the 2014 election, four ebola cases were diagnosed in the US

Abandoning the gold standard helped countries recover from the Great Depression – The most comprehensive analysis to date, covering 27 countries, supports the economic consensus view that the gold standard prolonged and deepened the Great Depression.

AER study: The economic cost of populism is high

The digitization of books on Google Books has significantly boosted the demand for physical versions of the books

The VA provides substantially better health care than private hospitals financed by Medicare – Veterans aged 65 and older who were taken by ambulance to a VA facility over a private hospital have far better survival outcomes and show higher indicators of quality care.

"Fox News improves election chances for local Republicans, alters politician campaign agendas, and shifts voter policy preferences on fiscal issues."

How Frequently Talking to Your Boss at Work Can Positively Impact Your Career and the Gender Pay Gap

In the 1930s, the US government created a housing appraisal system that categorized the creditworthiness of neighborhoods in part based on race

The Economic Cost of Populism

In India, workers are less willing to accept job offers that are linked to castes other than their own, especially when those castes rank lower in the social hierarchy

There is no evidence that carbon taxes in Europe have a negative impact on employment or GDP growth

The Ryan White CARE Act, a 1990 law that provided federal funding to treat HIV/AIDS in low-income people, saved approximately 57,000 lives through 2018

Genetically modified crops are good for the economy, the environment, and the poor

The history and future of workplace automation (2015)

The 1915 film 'The Birth of a Nation' (a fictional portrayal of the KKK's founding rife with racist stereotypes) significantly increased local KKK support in the 1920s

In the US, Republicans seek to impose work requirements for food stamp (SNAP) recipients, arguing that food stamps disincentivize work

The US urban population increased by almost 50% between 1980 and 2020

Social Exclusion and Social Preferences: Evidence from Colombia's Leper Colony

Male students are substantially more likely than female students to receive favorable grade changes made by instructors

When a police officer is injured on duty, other police officers become more likely to injure suspects, violate constitutional rights, and receive complaints about neglecting victims in the week that follows.

When news outlet stop using the term "illegal immigrants", the public expresses less support for restrictive immigration policies

Japan's closure of nuclear power plants after the Fukushima nuclear accident caused a countrywide power shortage

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