Infants from rural families tend to display negative emotions such as anger and frustration more frequently than their urban counterparts, according to a recent study

Research shows boredom is on the rise for adolescents, which found boredom is rising year after year for teens in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades, with greater increases for girls than boys (n = 106,784).

Individuals who post a lot of selfies are almost uniformly viewed as less likeable, less successful, more insecure and less open to new experiences than individuals who share a greater number of posed photos taken by someone else, suggests a new study that compared selfies to posies.

Timed release of turmeric stops cancer cell growth

Researchers develop viable, environmentally-friendly alternative to Styrofoam

Capturing bacteria that eat and breathe electricity

Most teens report using marijuana less often after legalization, finds a new study (n>76,000)

Emotional suppression has negative outcomes on children

While conservatives and liberals tend to disagree on many environmental issues, they both view the development of solar power and other forms of renewable energy as financially savvy and a step towards self-sufficiency.

The same researcher who 20 years ago made the discovery that linked abnormalities in egg chromosomes in mice to BPA, has just published a new study that found reproductive defects in mice housed in plastic cages made with BPA alternatives…

PTSD rate among prison employees equals that of war veterans - Prison employees experience PTSD on par with Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, finds a new study

A WSU research team improved bone-growing capabilities on 3D-printed, ceramic bone scaffolds by 30-45 percent when coated with curcumin, a compound found in the spice, turmeric

Researchers extract nicotine from ancient dental plaque for the first time

Researchers have recreated Titan's ocean in a laboratory

Columbia River Chinook salmon have lost as much as 2/3 of their genetic diversity

Researchers have discovered a genetic variation that predicts how well people perform certain mental tasks when sleep-deprived

One of the planet's biggest potential carbon sinks doesn't require carbon to sink very far

WSU researchers see popular herbicide affecting health across generations

Monarch butterflies disappearing from western North America

New technology promises to curb wasteful methane flaring in oil and gas fields

For the first time, WSU researchers have demonstrated a way to deliver a drug to a tumor by attaching it as a nanoparticle to a white blood cell

‘Negative Mass’ Created at Washington State University

Researchers have developed a way to practically separate lignin from wood, a breakthrough that could provide new sources of lignin for advanced renewable fuel and advanced materials applications.

University Scientist successfully converts wood fibers (lignin) directly into hydrocarbons appropriate for jet-fuel.

Study links U.S. polarization to TV news deregulation

‘Deadly force’ lab finds racial disparities in shootings: "Participants were also more likely to shoot unarmed white suspects than black or Hispanic ones and more likely to fail to fire at armed black suspects."

Localized drought may have triggered the 13th century abandonment of southwest Colorado by the ancestral Pueblo people.

Undergrad helps develop method to detect water on Mars: A Washington State University undergraduate has helped develop a new method for detecting water on Mars

An apple a day could keep obesity away: Granny Smith apples benefit growth of friendly bacteria in colon due to high content of non-digestible compounds including dietary fiber and polyphenols, and low available carbohydrates content, and may help prevent disorders associated with obesity

Preventing foodborne illness, naturally – with cinnamon: Seeking ways to prevent some of the most serious foodborne illnesses caused by pathogenic bacteria, two scientists have found promise in an ancient but common cooking spice cinnamon

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