One in four patients say they’ve skimped on insulin because of high cost, and over a third of those patients experiencing cost-related underuse said they never discussed this reality with their provider…

Members of a majority group tend to hold negative views of minority-group individuals who claim more than one identity, according to new Yale-led research

Yale putting high-tech tests to its controversial Vinland Map

‘Robotic Skins’ turn everyday objects into robots

Yale researchers 'teleport' a quantum gate

Positive impressions of people are more stable than negative ones, Yale study finds, suggesting humans are predisposed to forgive

New study finds HIV outbreak in Indiana could have been prevented

Brains of people at risk of psychosis exhibit a pattern that can help predict whether they will go on to develop full-fledged schizophrenia, a new Yale-led study shows

Arctic sea ice isn’t just threatened by the melting of ice around its edges

A study has found significant improvements in the social skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) after a month of working with robots