Study: The way business schools teach about meritocracy―both subtly and overtly―contributes to economic inequality

Two Mindsets That Can Create Rude or Polite Coworkers

Study: Women negotiate more often than men, but they’re still paid less than their male peers

Why We Choose Liars as Leaders

Blame Cronyism, Not Capitalism

The Dark and Destructive Downsides of Entrepreneurship

Dwelling on Roads Not Taken Can Create Bumps at Work

Women Using Less Feminine Terms in Cover Letters Are Less Likely to Get Hired

Researchers say religion makes the gender wage gap worse (by $1,734 per year)

Research shows that leaders with narcissistic tendencies can create dysfunctional organizational cultures and fuel unethical behavior

Employees who spent more time on the phone with their health insurers reported being more likely to be absent from work

Contrary to popular belief, letting your mind wander on the job does not necessarily hurt your work

If the current lack of innovation in antibiotics persists, we will face a doomsday scenario with drastic implications

Lack of detailed knowledge about corporate corruption—and how to fight it effectively—is limiting economic growth around the world

Hackathon successes and failures show that organizations trying to accelerate innovation—the way many are trying to develop new products in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—are not likely to achieve their goals by merely working in the same old ways…

Performance-based pay linked to employee mental-health problems, new study shows (n=318,717)

Boredom increases creativity, but only for individuals with a high learning goal orientation, high need for cognition, high openness to experience, and high internal locus of control, suggesting that boredom motivates individuals to engage in novelty-seeking responses.

Leaders’ displays of anger affects how they’re perceived depending on why they get angry