The World Henry Ford Made

Simone de Beauvoir’s relationship with her readers

To Save the Climate, Give Up the Demand for Constant Electricity

How Early Modern Empire Changed Medicine

The Angel of History

2020's Existentialist Turn

Pulse oximeters–popular Covid oxygen tracker–give Black people biased results

The Keynesian Revolution: A new biography of John Maynard Keynes

The Unfinished Project of Enlightenment

Epidemics End: history shows us that disease endings tend to be murky

A leading epidemiologist on the harms of restrictive lockdown policies

The U.S. has a long history of blaming Asian immigrants for outbreaks of disease

Claims that the cure is worse than the disease rely on a false tradeoff

Thomas Piketty takes on the ideology of inequality

Emily Dickinson Escapes

The town that floods with raw sewage every time it rains

Loving Latin at the End of the World

The Lure of Luxury: psychologist Paul Bloom on why we buy things we don't need

Review: Enchantments of Mammon: How Capitalism Became the Religion of Modernity

The pioneers of cultural anthropology who created “cultural relativism”

What Atul Gawande Got Wrong about U.S. Health Care Spending

The American Corporation Is in Crisis

The Making of the American Gulag

Global Warming, Market Opportunity – On the Lure of Climate Entrepreneurism

Making the Mind: Why we've misunderstood the nature-nurture debate

Games Economists Play

Correlation and Causation: A Philosopher Reviews Judea Pearl's “The Book of Why”

Kenyns were the first to benefit from digital loan apps–now they call it slavery

Is Science Political?

How Cars Transformed Policing

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