How Do Dolphins Choose Their Name?

Scientists Reveal Which Brain Regions Regulate Movement

Scientists Discover Specific Neurons Involved in Making Memories

The Source of the Nile River: A Mystery That Spanned Three Millennia

Vampire Bats That Socialize Together Have a Similar Microbiome

Yes, People Are Now Trading and Investing in Water as a Commodity

Research Suggests that the Witches of Salem had Actually been Tripping on a Fungus that had Grown in with the Towns Grain Supply

Why Lo-Fi Music Draws Listeners In

How to Survive the End of the Universe (In 7 Steps) (2014)

When we cooperate on certain tasks, our brainwaves might synchronize

The First Atomic Bomb Created This ‘Forbidden’ Quasicrystal

Researchers Are Getting Closer To Making Medical Robots That Can Swim In Your Bloodstream

Apollo-Soyuz Mission: When the Space Race Ended (2020)

Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids? Not Slaves

10,800 Years Ago, Early Humans Planted Forest Islands in Amazonia's Grasslands

After decades of exploration in nature’s smallest domains, physicists have finally found evidence that anyons exist

Store-bought tomatoes taste bland, and scientists have discovered a gene that gives tomatoes their flavor is actually missing in about 93 percent of modern, domesticated varieties

The Modern Lives of Ancient Symbols

The Earth Is Pulsating Every 26 Seconds, and Seismologists Don't Agree Why

First Evidence of a Planet in Another Galaxy

The Many Kinds of Dishonesty: In a new study where people could earn money if they reported rolling certain numbers on a die, only 40 percent of people were fully honest about what they rolled

A Woman Who Needed to Be Upside-Down (2012)

Statisticians Warn That AI Is Still Not Ready To Diagnose COVID-19

If Planet Nine Is a Tiny Black Hole, This Is How to Find It

Why Artificial Brains Need Sleep

What You'll Need to Know in 2020 That You Don't Know Now (2000)

Store-bought tomatoes taste bland, and scientists have discovered a gene that gives tomatoes their flavor is actually missing in about 93 percent of modern, domesticated varieties

A new genetic analysis hints that early European hunter-gatherers may have taught themselves to farm, and the idea wasn't introduced from the "Fertile Crescent" region of the Middle East…

Scientists found a caterpillar that thrives when eating plastic

Feeding Seaweed to Cows Could Curb Their Methane-Laden Burps

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