The Man Who Thinks the U.S. Is Better Off as a Bunch of Separate Countries

How Good Are FiveThirtyEight Forecasts?

How MSG Got a Bad Rap (2016)

The Era of Easy Recycling May Be Coming to an End

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Raise Taxes on the Rich – And Americans Agree

New York’s Elevators Define the City

Messi Walks Better Than Most Players Run

(American) Nuclear Power Won’t Survive Without a Government Handout

The Supreme Court Is Stubbornly Analog – By Design

You Can’t Opt Out Of Sharing Your Data, Even If You Didn’t Opt In

Everyone Wants to Go Home During Extra Innings – Maybe Even the Umps

Players Have Crowned a New Best Board Game – And It May Be Tough to Topple

Women Aren’t Always Sentenced by the Book. Maybe Men Shouldn’t Be, Either

The Trouble with Leaving Facebook Is That We Like Facebook

We X-Rayed Some MLB Baseballs. Here’s What We Found

The Economy Is Soaring, and Now So Is the Deficit. That’s a Bad Combination

Stop Thinking of Exercise as a Way to Lose Weight, You May Actually Enjoy It

We Used Broadband Data We Shouldn’t Have

Legal Marijuana Isn’t the Boon Small Businesses Thought It Would Be

The Easiest Way to Dismiss Good Science? Demand 'Sound Science'

Patterns of Death in the South Still Show the Outlines of Slavery

Gun Deaths in America (Data Visualization)

The Grandfather of Alt-Science

What Would Happen If There Were No Number 6?

The Media Has Neglected Puerto Rico

What Science Says to Do If Your Loved One Has an Opioid Addiction

More Americans Support Aid When Told Puerto Ricans Are U.S. Citizens

Al Gore’s New Movie Exposes the Big Flaw in Online Movie Ratings

Whether He Ends DACA or Not, Trump May Already Be Curtailing the Program

6 charts to help Americans understand the upcoming German elections

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