Proposal for crates-io crate name reservation

Pre-RFC: Nicer Types in Diagnostics

2019 Compiler Roadmap Progress

Calculating which 3rd party crates are good candidates for "std" inclusion via "left-pad index"

Exploring Crate Graph Build Times with `cargo build -Ztimings`

2019 Roadmap Progress?

Machine learning primitives in rustc

Idea: introduce `project` field to Cargo.toml to make micro-crate designs less scary

Should HashMap be added to std prelude?

Update on Rust,, and US economic sanctions

Final async/await testing push!

Evaluating pipelined rustc compilation

Submit your experience for newly await syntax

Naming the return type of an async function

Await syntax poll still open!

Update on the rust-lang CI investigation

Idea: universal pipelining (a.k.a. making @await generic)

Should we downgrade / drop the asmjs target?

Kickstarting a database WG

Welcome Pauan to the Rust and WebAssembly domain working group core team!

Idea: Semi-stabilization will be performing maintenance Thursday, Mar 21 at 22:00 UTC

Rust tools team call for feedback

Governance Working Group announcement

Tools team changes

Changes to how handles index updates

Lang Team Working Group Sync Meetings - announcements

Which CI platform should Rust use?

Aaron Turon retires from the Core Team (but not from Rust!)

The State of Rust Tarballs

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