White jurors with high levels of racial resentment are more likely to consider a black defendant guilty than otherwise similar white defendants

Foreign aid payments to highly aid-dependent countries coincide with sharp increases in bank deposits to offshore financial centers

"Over the past 20 years, nationalism [in the US] has become sorted by party, as Republican identifiers have come to define America in more exclusionary and critical terms and Democrats have increasingly endorsed inclusive and positive conceptions of nationhood."

An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The Practicalities of Viking Torture

Becoming a homeowner leads individuals to participate more in local elections

More than 43% of white student admits at Harvard University are ALDC admissions (athletes, legacies, dean’s interest list, children of faculty and staff)

The 2004 enlargement of the European Union into Central and Eastern Europe improved economic outcomes for all groups in both the old and new EU member states

Same Day Voter Registration laws disproportionately increase turnout among young voters

Contrary to some assertions, both US political parties do not represent the interests of the wealthy

Men who father their first child at a very young age are convicted of fewer crimes over the next few years if their child is a son rather than a daughter

Beholding Inequality: Race, Gender, and Returns to Physical Attractiveness

Physically attractive individuals earn substantially more than otherwise similar unattractive individuals

First-born children are significantly more likely to run for and be elected to political office than their siblings.

Death penalty cases which are assigned to the US Courts of Appeals are substantially more likely to result in executions when the convicts are [randomly] assigned to panels with a majority of Republican-appointed judges.

Larger banks do not lead to greater profits, efficiency or real growth

Expansions of Medicaid made voters less likely to support repealing the Affordable Care Act

When the foreign qualifications of immigrants are formally recognized by the host state, the immigrants earn 20% higher wages and become 25 percentage points more likely to be employed

A record number of firearm background checks were completed in the US at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and during the George Floyd protests in 2020

Expansions of welfare lead to electoral rewards for the political party behind the expansion

Water fluoridation improves dental health, has no impact on cognitive ability, and improves labor incomes

Political attacks over competence and integrity harms the electoral performance of leftist but not rightist parties

In the field of economics, men are tenured similarly regardless of whether they coauthor or solo author research

Racially resentful white voters prefer staunchly conservative black candidates over similar white candidates

A weaker, nonviolent police force could be a sign of a stronger democracy - A new study of a nonviolent encounter with police in Taiwan shows how the weakness of police power can be treated as an index for the strength of democratic values.

Partisan differences have been observed in willingness to engage in COVID-19-prevention behaviors

The implementation of copyrights in Italy in the wake of Napoleon's invasion led to a significant increase in the number of newly created operas, and the quality of new operas, but there were no benefits from copyright extensions beyond the life of the original creator.

The Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity (2017)

In the United States, the average American sleeps less than the minimum seven hours of sleep per night recommended by the Center for Disease Control, and nearly half of Americans report negative consequences from insufficient sleep.

DNA exonerations in rape cases strongly suggest that the wrongful-conviction rate is significantly higher among black convicts than white convicts.

Attending a charter school (publicly funded but privately managed schools) has no impact on test scores and adversely affects the children's earnings as adults.

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