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You Better Shop Around: Litigant Characteristics and Supreme Court Support

A rapid shift in Haitian migration to Chile prompted a substantial increase in concern about crime among Chileans

The Mere Presence of One's Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity (2017)

Bringing Roman Light to Life

Mr. Aecroid's Tables: Calculations and Customs in the Early Modern Countryside

A Curious Artifact: The Changing Meaning of the Roman Oil Lamp (2022)

The naked reader: Child enslavement in the Villa of the Mysteries fresco

The poorest millennials have less wealth at age 35 than their baby boomer counterparts did, but the wealthiest millennials have more

Proponents of the filibuster in American politics argue that it stimulates public debate and discussion within Congress

White assistant coaches in the NFL are promoted at higher rates than Black coaches, even after holding constant relevant factors such as unit and individual performance

If the U.S

The Nature of Glass: Technologies of Transparency, Materials on the Move

Study examining welfare bans for anyone convicted of a drug-related felony finds that cash assistance bans have no impact on recidivism (relapse into crime), but food stamp bans increase recidivism risk, particularly in places with more inclusive welfare policies

Apollo 11 quarantine protocol had numerous containment breaches — largely hidden from the public — that could have exposed Earth to extraterrestrial contamination in 1969…

Attending a preschool program for disadvantaged African American children caused improvements in the participants' skills, marriage stability, earnings, criminal behavior, and health

Study finds work from home associated with increased hours worked, slightly reduced output, and productivity declines of 8% - 19%

A 1953 Supreme Court ruling desegragated movie theaters in Washington DC but not surrounding areas

Bans on prostitution lead to a significant increase in rape rates while liberalization of prostitution leads to a significant decrease in rape rates

Women Are Overinvesting in Education for the Monetary Returns

Students who repeat a grade feel like they do not belong at school, which leads to severe solitude.

Antipoverty Program: Kids whose mothers were in Head Start when they (the mothers) were kids also see higher educ

Is Peer Review a Good Idea? (2020)

Replacing taxes on new car registrations with increased fuel taxes would increase aggregate welfare, tax revenue, and car ownership, while reducing car ages, driving, and CO2 emissions.

After a minimum wage increase, workers become more productive

Americans support liberal economic policies in response to deepening economic inequality except when the likely beneficiaries are disproportionately Black.

Meta-analysis finds that rather than discriminating against women who run for office, voters on average appear to reward women with a gain of approximately 2 percentage points in support.

A surplus of food on its own was not enough to drive the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to the hierarchical states

The Five Stages of Fascism

In 2017, Ukraine banned the Russian social media platform VKontakte

Strict voter ID laws disproportionately stop minority voters from voting. Black and Latino voters are more likely to vote without ID.

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