Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a catalyst material known as cobalt phthalocyanine that converts carbon dioxide into renewable fuels such as methanol

Shadowbanning: Some marginalized social media users believe their content is suppressed

A new University of Michigan study finds that automation and electrification of long-haul trucking can reduce urban health impacts and environmental damages

Traumatic experiences during childhood may get “under the skin” later in life, impairing the muscle function of people as they age

If a person has a high-quality, late-life environment, it can mitigate the negative impact caused by early-life stressors, a new University of Michigan study shows

Vast DNA tree of life for flowering plants revealed by global science team

Employees keep home distractions at bay by using their working memory

US universities secretly turned their back on Chinese professors under DOJ’s China Initiative

Students who ride newer, cleaner-air buses to school have improved academic performance, according to the latest University of Michigan study that documents the effects on students who ride new school buses rather than old ones.

Couples with similar drinking habits may live longer

Germ aversion impacted 2020 election voting behavior

News reports that don’t report magnitude of scientific findings could mislead the public

Scientists CT-scanned thousands of natural history specimens, which you can access for free

The science behind waking up on the wrong side of the bed: A University of Michigan & Dartmouth Health study looked into the science of waking up on the wrong side of the bed

A new way to make an important ingredient for plastics, adhesives, carpet fibers, household cleaners and more from natural gas could reduce manufacturing costs in a post-petroleum economy by millions of dollars, thanks to a new chemical reactor designed by University of Michigan engineers.

Nearly 15% of Americans deny climate change is real

Living in neighborhoods with high levels of violence can affect children's development by changing the way that a part of the brain detects and responds to potential threats, potentially leading to poorer mental health and other negative outcomes

Fiber optic cables that line ocean floors could provide a less expensive, more comprehensive alternative to the current buoys that act as early warning systems for tsunamis

Genetic variants for male bisexuality, risk-taking linked to more children

AI in society: Perspectives from the field

Midlife blood test may predict cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s in later life, thanks to the discovery of two blood biomarkers connected to cognitive function in women in midlife

Biases in large image-text AI model favor wealthier, Western perspectives

Study on 276,000 people found genetic mutations that promote reproduction tend to shorten lifespan and individuals predisposed to high reproductive rates have lower probabilities of living to age 76 than those predisposed to relatively low reproductive rate

Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans

Groundwater depletion in India may triple due to climate warming, study finds

The rate of forced intercourse in early adulthood rose during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a potential increase in unintended pregnancies and many other sexual…

Young people who challenge social injustice and are politically active show high life satisfaction and better academic performance

Youth involved in community-based activism over time become better critical thinkers and more politically active

Stimulant therapy for ADHD in teens doesn’t increase risk of cocaine or methamphetamine as young adults (ages 19-24)

A surprisingly simple way to foil car thieves

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