When an infectious disease cannot be contained, ants engage in “destructive disinfection.” Researchers exposed ant pupae (developing “babies”) to a fungus

Across natural (non-farm) habitats all over the world, the western honey bee is the most common pollinator, responsible for 13% of flower visits

A new study suggests that more than half of human clinical trials may not be scientifically justifiable, which could mean they are also ethically unjustifiable.

Motorcycle Deaths Increase During Full Moons

Chemists working for the U.S. Air Force have used crystals extracted from butterfly wings to detect trace chemical warfare agents

Researchers are looking for a non-toxic drug that increases melanin (skin pigmentation) as a way to prevent melanoma (a type of skin cancer)

Bacteria, including ones that cause disease, can survive in the freezer and make their way onto ice cubes

Astronauts' core body temperature is 1 degree C (almost 2 deg F) higher in space than on Earth

Evolution sometimes forces two species to survive together

The world's first cloned dog, Snuppy, has been cloned again. Three out of four "reclones" of Snuppy are alive and well

Medical X-rays are one of the largest sources of radiation that humans receive, which is why doctors are often hesitant to perform them

Algorithm Predicts if Twitter Users Are Becoming Mentally Ill

The measles vaccine has saved more than 20 million lives globally since 2000

Interoception is a sort of “sixth sense” that allows us to be aware of the internal workings of our body, such as heartbeat and breathing

Even after controlling for height, women find men with slightly longer legs than average to be more attractive.

China May Have An 'Alarming' High Blood Pressure Crisis, Yale Univ Study Reveals

Researchers compared 20 veterans who had attempted suicide with 20 similar veterans who had not

Evidence shows that Vitamin C and Echinacea do not shorten colds. However, a new meta-analysis suggests that zinc lozenges do

Teens Are Sleep-Deprived, And Screens Are Why, Study Suggests - beginning in 2009 when smartphone use became widespread, there was a 17% increase of students reporting sleeping 7 hours or less per night…

New research shows that dogs in an unfamiliar room synchronize their body movements with their owners

Scientists have created fluorescent and magnetic cotton using chemical (rather than genetic) modification

Time is of the essence. If you're shot or stabbed, don't call an ambulance

A computer model suggests that life may have originated inside collapsing bubbles

Like politicians, new research shows that scientists often "spin" their data to make it sound more important or convincing than it actually is

Scientists have devised a method to detect early stage cancer by isolating and sequencing the DNA that naturally floats in our bloodstream

Microbiologists have long known of three major mechanisms for bacteria to share genes, such as those that encode antibiotic resistance

High school students who make mostly A's also make healthier lifestyle choices than students who make mostly D's/F's

Duke University scientists have created a "lethal injection" for tumors. When injected into them, their ethanol-based gel cured 100% of the oral tumors in a small sample of hamsters. This treatment might work for some kinds of breast, liver, and other cancers, and it only costs about $5.

Not Blowing Smoke, Vaping Works | American Council on Science and Health

Large animals that migrate from the mainland to islands shrink over time

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