Stop Calling it Bad Code

Software Engineering Promotions: Advice to Get to That Next Level

Hacks for Professional Growth: Coffee with an Experienced Engineer You Don’t Know

The Product-Minded Software Engineer

Software Architecture Is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design Is Underrated

Developers mentoring other developers

Scaling Engineering Teams via Writing Things Down and Sharing - aka RFCs

An Elegant Puzzle Book Review: An Overdue Read for Software Engineering Leads

Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system (2018)

Operating a large, distributed system in a reliable way: practices I learned

Good Code Reviews, Better Code Reviews

Undervalued Engineering Skills: Writing Well

Scaling Engineering Teams via Writing Things Down and Sharing – Aka RFCs

Distributed architecture concepts I learned when building a large payment system

Things I've learned transitioning from engineer to engineering manager

The Software Development Dilemma: Move Fast Without Breaking Things

Swift: the only moder programming language with no mocking or stubbing framework (and why this is not such a bad thing)