
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

Software engineering job openings hit five-year low?

Are LLMs making StackOverflow irrelevant?

Did Automattic commit open source theft?

The Product-Minded Software Engineer

Is the "AI developer" a threat to jobs – or a marketing stunt?

Advice to Myself When Starting Out as a Software Developer

The Pulse: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174?

The Roots of Today's Modern Back End Engineering Practices

What Silicon Valley “Gets” about Software Engineers

Domain Registrars Which Developers Recommend

Google Domains to Shut Down

Layoffs push down scores on Glassdoor: this is how companies respond

Amazon doubling down on return to office

The job market for new grads: worse than in 2008, but better than 2002

Apple: The Only Big Tech Giant Going Against the Job Cuts Tide

Twitter’s ongoing cruel treatment of software engineers

The Scoop: Netflix’s historic introduction of levels for software engineers

Oncall Compensation for Software Engineers

Software Architecture Is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design Is Underrated

The Layoffs at Klarna

Want to Start a Startup, as a Software Engineer? Sell Something Online

Becoming a Full-Time Creator as a Software Engineer

The trimodal nature of software salaries in the Netherlands and Europe (2021)

How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum

Companies Using RFCs or Design Docs and Examples of These

Developing high traffic software? Learn about issues affecting distributed systems (latency, capacity, availability etc) first

What Silicon Valley "Gets" about Software Engineers that Traditional Companies Do Not

Equity 101 for Software Engineers at Big Tech and Startups

How I motivate myself to write

The Seniority Roller Coaster and Down-Leveling in Tech

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