Doing Things That Scale

There is no “Linux” Platform (Part 1)

GNOME 3.34 is now managed using systemd

GNOME and gestures, Part 1: WebKitGTK

On the Road to Fedora Workstation 31

What is a Platform?

Developing GNOME: The Basics

Silverblue at 1

Designing for the Librem 5

Pick a clock, any clock

GNOME streaming radio app Gradio to be rebuilt in Rust as Shortwave

The devil makes work for idle processes

Restyling apps at scale

Flatpak – a history

Banquets and Barbecues – Space and Meaning

Don’t buy System76 hardware and expect to get firmware updates from the LVFS

Fedora Atomic Workstation: Almost fool-proof

Continuous Integration in Librsvg, Part 1

Introducing the CSD Initiative

Why hasn’t the Year of the Linux Desktop happened yet?

Modern Text Editor Design

Launching Pipewire! (a new server for audio and video on GNU/Linux)

Emoji support is coming to GNOME

A Brief History of GNOME

Updating Logitech Hardware on Linux

Fedora dev: “HN feedback on what they want from their Desktop – We got it”

Rust’ic GNOME, Day 3

On Problems with Vala

rustup support coming to GNOME Builder

The flatpak security model – part 1: The basics

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