What arguments for consent get wrong

Piketty on why an 83% income tax for the wealth could work

Can we trust Wikipedia? Evgeny Morozov on why we've stopped asking this question

We Must Take Deceleration Seriously: We too often have Stockholm syndrome with growth, becoming a willing prisoner of innovation

US Government targeting Immigration Lawyers, Activists, and Reporters

The Myths of Enlightenment

Economics has failed us. Miserably

Slavery Inspired Modern Business Management

Why Are Economists Giving Piketty the Cold Shoulder?

Debunking the Capitalist Cowboy: Why the history of “innovation” is a con

Tocqueville's Fatalism

We Are Living in the Anthropocene – When Nature Is No Longer Natural

Race, Genes, and IQ

Neoliberalism Is a Simplistic Perversion of Economics

Apple redistributes more wealth upward than any corporation or country on earth

Should We Trust Forensic Science?

Is Philanthropy Anti-Democratic?

What Happens at a Firearms Training for Teachers

The Dream Hoarders: How America's Top Percent Perpetuates Inequality

On Being an Octopus

What Statistics Can't Tell Us in the Fight Over Affirmative Action at Harvard

Will Automation Set Us Free?

Poland’s Forgotten Bohemian War Hero

Gamifying the Ocean

Jamaica's Proud Socialist History

Claude Shannon's genius lies in his divorcing of information from meaning

The Private Edward Gorey

No Collision

What Happened to Kanye West?

Philip K. Dick and the Fake Humans

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