ER doctors in the US have incentives to be out of network because patients do not usually "choose" their doctor when they go to the ER

American voters had more difficulty assessing the ideology of Donald Trump in 2016 than all presidential candidates since 1972 and all contemporary legislators.

Children who attended the early childhood education program Head Start go on to earn higher incomes and obtain more years of education as adults than similar children who were not able to attend Head Start.

Every dollar spent on high-quality, early-childhood programs for disadvantaged children returned $7.3 over the long-term

"We find a negative relationship between exposure to the criminal justice system and involvement in labor organizations..

Younger whites are less racially prejudiced than older whites

How negative feedback influences goal-directed behaviors

Right-to-work laws lead to increases in economic inequality by reducing the power of labor unions

Robots and Jobs: Evidence from U.S

Both Democrats and Republicans have moved in a secular direction on moral issues

The "Preparing for Life" program which provided home visiting, parental guidance and speech & language development to disadvantaged Irish families led to increases in children’s cognitive and socioemotional/behavioral outcomes (relative to similar families who were not assigned the assistance).

Scholars' views about the methods and truth of science varied by field: Natural scientists were more likely to think that science accurately measures and describes reality the than social scientists or history and philosophy of science scholars in a study of 1700 scholars from various fields.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that people become more conservative as they age, "political attitudes are remarkably stable over the long term."

Payday loans increase personal bankruptcy rates by a factor of two

European polities over the 15th-20th centuries led by queens were more likely to engage in war than polities led by kings

Longevity genes that helped humans survive ancient airborne toxins may be the same genes that make humans resilient to pollution from fossil fuels and cigarette smoke today, according to a study published in the December 2019 issue of The Quarterly Review of Biology.

There is a bias against female political candidates: Survey experiments show that "voters hold female candidates, relative to male candidates, to more stringent qualification standards, and these higher standards limit the ability of female candidates to secure electoral support."

The Role of Diet in Resilience and Vulnerability to Climate Change among Early Agricultural Communities in the Maya Lowlands - Mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating and analyses of 50 human skeletal remains from Cahal Pech suggest more diverse diets may have promoted resilience in the face of change.

Emigration opportunities to the United States during the Age of Mass Migration (1860-1920) boosted labor movement activism and left-wing voting in Sweden

As the number of demolition orders issued against Palestinian structures in the West Bank increases, Palestinians are more likely to oppose peace and support violence against Israelis.

Supporters of populist presidential candidates change their view of whether the presidency counts as part of the "political establishment" if their candidate wins the presidency

Having more black kids in class changes white kids' attitudes and makes them more likely to date a black person as an adult

"The positive relationship between tax cuts and employment growth is largely driven by tax cuts for lower-income groups and that the effect of tax cuts for the top 10 percent on employment growth is small."

The sudden enrollment of more than 4,000 Haitian refugee students in four Florida school districts during the 2009-10 school year (following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake) had zero or modestly positive effects on the educational outcomes of incumbent students in the two years that followed.

The Reverse Gender Gap in Adolescents’ Expectation of Higher Education

"Anti–Muslim American sentiment is a strong and significant predictor of supporting Trump, even when controlling for a whole host of factors."

Peacekeeping is extremely effective, far more so than previous studies have shown

Jurors give harsher sentences when they are exposed to media coverage of [unrelated] crime

When voters believe that corruption is widespread in politics, they are less likely to punish corrupt politicians.

When a white candidate makes vague statements, voters project their own policy positions onto the candidate, increasing their support

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