The only thing that matters - how developers can produce better products

Pyston Python JIT Talk

PostgreSQL on EXT4, XFS, BTRFS and ZFS

Testing an Erlang Backend

Announcing Spark 2.0

Word2vec, LDA, and introducing a new hybrid algorithm: lda2vec

What’s coming next in IEEE 802.11

Chw00t: Breaking Unices’ chroot solutions

The story of the Rekursiv object-oriented CPU

Probabilistic algorithms for fun and pseudorandom profit

More lessons learned from building machine learning systems

The Next Generation Cloud: Unleashing the Power of the Unikernel

Beyond TCP: The evolution of Internet transport protocols

Trust boundaries - Confidence 2015

Decentralized Reddit using a DHT to store content and a blockchain to rank it

On Beyond OWL: Challenges for Ontologies on the Web

What's New in Go Crypto

Running Linux containers on an illumos kernel

Provisioning and Capacity Planning

On Modal Messages and User Experience

ATS/LF for Coq users

Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming (2009)


The Gremlin Graph Traversal Language

Unum: Efficient and Massively Parallel Approach to Numerics

Fast as C: How to Write Really Terrible Java

Bits of Advice for the VM Writer

Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility (2001)

How to name things in programming

Big Data Analytics Systems: What Goes Around Comes Around

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