Timetables that don’t match our biological clock are tied to bad grades

Pesticides speed the spread of deadly waterborne pathogens: Widespread use of pesticides and other agrochemicals can speed the transmission of the debilitating disease schistosomiasis, while also upsetting the ecological balances in aquatic environments that prevent infections…

Fitful nightly sleep linked to chronic inflammation, hardened arteries

Diluting blood plasma rejuvenates tissue, reverses aging in mice

Coronavirus lockdowns prevented 60M infections in US

A new study suggests it’s the uncertainty — when you think you know something and discover you don’t — that leads to the most curiosity and learning

Pregnant people who lived within 0.62 miles (1 km) of the highest producing oil wells were 40% more likely to have low birth weight babies and 20% more likely to have babies who were small for their gestational age compared to people living farther away from wells or near inactive wells only.

Childhood immunization with two common vaccines prevents tens of millions of episodes of antibiotic-treated illness each year, a new study finds.

Coronavirus skeptics, deniers: Why some of us stick to deadly beliefs

UC Berkeley chemists have created a hybrid system of bacteria and nanowires that captures energy from sunlight and transfers it to the bacteria to turn carbon dioxide and water into organic molecules and oxygen.