Electing a Republican district attorney leads to an 18-21% increase in new prison admissions in the two years following their election, while electing a nonwhite district attorney leads to a 10% decline

Do Stocks Outperform Treasury Bills?

Study shows it is impossible for an individual to day trade stocks for a living

What We Don't See When We See Copyright as Property

Who Owns Huawei?

Content Analysis of How Courts Use and Misuse Rap Lyrics in Criminal Cases

ACA Medicaid coverage expansion significantly reduces the probability of returning to prison for violent and public order crimes among multi-time reoffenders

Scientists with limited coding experience use tool to replicate machine-learning algorithms for medical image classification that is comparable to machine-learning experts

Yale University study indicates that people with black-sounding names are less likely to get responses to requests for legal representation than people with white-sounding names.

Debiasing Desire: Addressing Bias and Discrimination on Intimate Platforms