Children's (11 years old) behavioral problems are linked to higher hair cortisol levels, which are strongly correlated with maternal stress

What's bad about this habit (2009) [pdf]

Researchers team has spent 9 years monitoring gluten-free products to analyse whether they are nutritionally deficient, and found they are not usually nutritionally equivalent to those that contain gluten, but the quality of the products has increased considerably

Scientists have found exercise increases the levels of certain proteins known to strengthen communication between brain cells across synapses, which may be a key factor in keeping dementia at bay.

Similar to the way in which cities are organised, communities of animals and plants organise themselves into ghettos or ethnic neighbourhoods where less plentiful species group together to encourage their persistence against more competitive species.

Researchers have designed fully recyclable packaging materials that promote the circular economy for plastic packaging materials where design and production fully comply with requirements pertaining to reuse…

Quantum artificial life created on the cloud

The UPV/EHU develops the first nanometrically-sized superelastic alloy

Fresh theories about dark matter