Rf refactors Go programs

I made a typesafe, unboxed deque in Go without using interface{}, reflection, or generics…

In case you want to program a microwave oven in go - the time package formats got you covered

godoc Tricks

What else is in Go 1.11?

Library of generic (yes, generic) basic graph algorithms: data structures, BFS, DFS, MST, topological ordering, strongly and weakly connected components, bipartion, shortest paths, maximum flow…

Decimal: A high-performance, arbitrary-precision, floating-point decimal library

Package cosmo implements basic cosmology calculations in Go.

Argon2 is now in x/crypto!

qod: Easy commandline file processing library to make throwaway scripts better.

Go 1.9 Release Party [slides]

Introduction to Gonum, Scientific libraries for Go

Show HN: Passmgr – yet another password manager

github.com/NYTimes/gizmo/server/kit: simplifying JSON and gRPC with go-kit

errgroup - Run code in threads, return an error / cancel all the others if any thread fails

GoMobile now comes with reverse bindings for Java and ObjectiveC

x/sync/singleflight - duplicate function call suppression mechanism

GoDoc: package letsencrypt

go4.org/sort -- the standard sort package + Slice helper to ease sorting slices

x/sync/errgroup - new package for error propagation and cancelation of groups of goroutines

In-memory hash tree implementation

Pure Go Principal Component Analysis (PCA) implementation

cc: a C99 compiler front end.

Is godoc.org down?

Package http2 now on golang.org/x/net/http2