Creating a chrome extension with rust + leptos -> wasm

Developers can't fix bad management (2020)

Tasking developers with creating detailed estimates is a waste of time

Ship code when it is ready and valuable (2020)

Driving engineers to an arbitrary date is a value destroying mistake

CEOs of traditional companies are clueless about software engineers

The value destroying effect of arbitrary date pressure on code

You need Software Developers to believe in your project (2020)

Bad management kills and developers can only compensate so much

Developers can't fix bad management

Software engineers make the best CEOs, at least when measured by market cap

Neural net matrix operation visualization synchronized with code

How many of you know deep down that the team is working on something that no customer wants?

Is management pressuring you to deliver unfinished code?

Developers can't fix bad management

Why are CEOs failing software engineers?

How many of you know that the team is working on something that no-one wants?

Driving engineers to an arbitrary date is a value destroying mistake

Agile Scrum is not working

How do you prevent dumpster fire projects at work?

Tasking devs with creating detailed estimates is a waste of time

Why software projects should be lead by experienced technical staff

When the product owner goes MIA, we end up filling in the blanks

Value of a Good Software Development Team