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Researchers estimated the lifetimes of of various household appliances owned in Norway between 1940 and 2022

Havana Syndrome: Putting the Myth to Rest

A survey of 19 small-scale, poor societies finds that they have life satisfaction on par with the richest developed countries

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found that the average person would be willing to give up democracy if it meant getting a 219% raise

In countries where manhood is viewed as "precarious", meaning it can be lost and requires men to prove their masculinity, males live 6.7 years shorter compared to males living in countries where those beliefs are rare.

The most intense lightning storm ever recorded was within the ash cloud produced by the Hunga volcano in 2022

The Smartest Person Who Ever Lived (2015)

In an attempt to demystify and de-stigmatize female squirting during sex, researchers surveyed 3,000 women

In a meta-analysis of 44 studies tracking changes in 121,187 subjects' "big five" personality traits, researchers found that certain life events were linked to significant shifts in personality

The Pacific cleaner shrimp features one of the most vibrant white colors in nature

Making the first mission to mars all female makes practical sense

The average regular pornography user generally does not experience withdrawal-like symptoms while trying to abstain from pornography for a 7-day period.

A review finds only weak evidence of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, maybe a 0-15% increase in risk

Conservatives are happier than liberals because they believe in meritocracy and are low in neuroticism

A tiny crustacean has near-perfect regenerative abilities, topping those of salamanders like axolotls

Age Effects on Women’s and Men’s Dyadic and Solitary Sexual Desire

In a meta-analysis that combined 96 studies looking at 177,000 subjects from around the world, researchers found strength and muscularity were the male traits that best predicted men's mating and reproductive success.

An analysis of 10,000 public school districts that controlled for a host of confounding variables has found that higher teacher pay is associated with better student test scores.

When heterosexual men desired real-life sex to be just like the sex portrayed in stereotypical pornography and the actual sex they are having fails to reach those impractical ideals, they were less sexually satisfied and expressed lower self-esteem.

The enactment of “Stand Your Ground” laws in the United States is associated with an average national increase of 7.8% in monthly homicide rates

Psychologists from the University of Barcelona have found that people who tend to believe in pseudoscience seek less evidence before reaching conclusions.

Americans are having less sex than they used to

A discarded car tire on the ocean floor is deadly for hermit crabs. Scientists found that once crabs climb into the tire, they can't get out

Single people are 40% more likely than married people to meet the WHO's physical activity recommendations, according to a survey of 4,460 people living in Poland's 4th largest city.

Measurement of Sexual Interests with Pupillary Responses: A Meta-Analysis

Ancient humans living between 12,000 and 15,000 years ago in what is now Northern Israel were using sophisticated hooks, lines, weights, and lures to catch fish…

Men and women living in rural areas have a life expectancy that's 2.5 years shorter than men and women living in urban areas

A meta-analysis identified 55 long-term symptoms of COVID-19

Researchers have engineered a soft, lightweight, pneumatic exoskeleton that supports a wearer's elbows, thus making it much easier to carry things

The Legendary Study That Embarrassed Wine Experts Across the Globe (2014)

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