
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

The "email is authentication" pattern

You're Not Smiling Enough

The Apple II shows how amazing the C64 was

All web "content" is freeware

A BSD person tries Alpine Linux

Got my ultimate retro KVM setup working

Running NetBSD 10 Release Candidate 5

Copy/paste plain text should be the default

Is it worth collecting cassettes in 2024?

Revisiting Textpattern

How BlackBerry failed to respond to the iPhone

The longest word you can type on the first row

Derek Sivers on OpenBSD

It’s worth running a FreeBSD or NetBSD desktop

I Feel for the NetBSD Community

The beauty of CGI and simple design

Weird Al had 100 gigs of RAM

Losslessly Optimising Images

NetBSD can also run a Minecraft server

Calling Git a blockchain to rebrand bad tech

My New Sony NW-A55 Walkman

I tend to avoid reading social news comments

Git ignores .gitignore with .gitignore in .gitignore

My essential Firefox fixes in 2022

Flyers, and Blogs from the Golden Age

A report on exercise and sleep (2021)

What Apple mouses and Braun shavers share

I’m not sure that UNIX won

Revisiting webcam covers

Using NetBSD’s pkgsrc everywhere I can

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