How Nebraska Took Its Energy Out of Corporate Hands and Made It Affordable for Everyone

Snowden: iPhones Have Secret Spyware That Lets Govt's Monitor Unsuspecting Users

Yet Another State Threatens to Penalize Solar Power Users. Indiana seeks to punish people for having solar panels on their homes.

Revealed: A Whole New Terrifying Level of Surveillance: New documents show government tracked drivers with license plate readers on mass scale

Why (Almost) Everyone Got Snowpocalypse Wrong: A high-tech weather prediction model said New York wouldn't get much snowfall

The Most Popular Drug in America Is an Antipsychotic

Research Suggests That Psychiatric Interventions Like Admission to a Mental Facility Could Increase Suicide Risk

Net Neutrality Advocates to Protest FCC's 'Hybrid Solution' in Dozens of Cities: “What President Obama’s FCC chair is reportedly pushing is not a compromise, it’s a sham."

Wall Street Can Now Disable Your Car When You're Driving on the Freeway: People with poor credit are being sold cars with GPS-based kill switches

4 of the Biggest Quacks Plaguing America with False Claims About Science

Noam Chomsky: A Surveillance State Beyond Imagination Is Being Created

NSA collected data on millions of Americans just to investigate 248 people

Neil deGrasse Tyson Slams CNN for Its Stupidity on Climate Change - Why do networks like CNN suggest that climate change is up for debate?