Are electric vehicles cheaper to own? Maybe not

In case you missed it: America got much bigger continental shelf

Western diets can accelerate cell aging

The missing apex of Maslow's hierarchy: self-transcendence

Undergraduates' average IQ has fallen 17 points since 1939. Here's why

Chronic inflammation may be a "disease of affluence"

What Explains the Fibonacci Sequence?

Einstein's 7 rules for a better life

Brain "wakes up" more than 100 times each night – that's normal

Red meat causes heart disease. Except when it doesn't?

A larger family worsens kids' cognitive development, suggests 30-year study

Derinkuyu: Mysterious underground city in Turkey found in man's basement

What was it like when the first stars began to shine?

Seven great but notoriously hard-to-finish books

Dyson spheres and the quest to detect alien technosignatures

JWST Images of 2023

How the "Medici Effect" can spark a renaissance in your business

Singularities don't exist, claims black hole pioneer Roy Kerr

Harvard astronomer's "alien spherules" are industrial pollutants

Top vets urge dog lovers to stop buying pugs and bulldogs

We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones

In 1903, NY Times predicted airplanes would take 10M years to develop

Your "immune resilience" greatly impacts your health and lifespan

The renewable energy disaster that was far deadlier than Chernobyl

A theory that Mars lost its magnetic field and then its oceans (2022)

There are 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe

Why Apollo 11 astronauts signed tons of autographs – then stowed them away

Where’s the beef? Middle-aged, American men ate all of it

Light and gravitational waves don't arrive simultaneously

What being rich in China looked like in 1, 1000, and 2000 AD

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