Ada 202x support in GNAT

Relaxing the Data Initialization Policy of SPARK

CuBit: A General-Purpose Operating System in SPARK/Ada

From Ada to Platinum SPARK: A Case Study for Reusable Bounded Stacks

Proving properties of constant-time crypto code in SPARKNaCl

Making An RC Car with Ada and SPARK

Android application with Ada and WebAssembly

Using GNAT-LLVM to target Ada to WebAssembly

Combining GNAT with LLVM

Proof of code with pointers now possible in SPARK using pledges

Secure Use of Crypto with SPARK Binding for Libsodium

SPARK/Ada gets pointer support inspired by the Rust memory model

RFCs for Ada and SPARK evolution now on GitHub

Using Spark to Prove 255-Bit Integer Arithmetic from Curve25519

Ten Years of Using Spark to Build CubeSat Nano Satellites with Students

AdaFractal Part 2: Fixed Point and Floating Point Math Performance and Parallelization

Highly portable (and safer) Web server in Ada

Proving Memory Operations – A SPARK Journey

Ada on FPGAs with PicoRV32

Train control using Ada on a Raspberry Pi

AdaCore GNAT Community 2018 released

Taking on a Challenge in SPARK

Getting Rid of Rust with Ada

The Road to a Thick OpenGL Binding for Ada

Ada on the Micro:bit board

Bitcoin blockchain in Ada: Lady Ada meets Satoshi Nakamoto

The Road to a Thick OpenGL Binding for Ada: Part 1

Leveraging Ada Run-time Checks with Fuzz Testing in AFL (2017)

Make with Ada 2017- Ada Based IoT Framework

There's a mini-RTOS in my language

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