Introduction to Reverse Engineering with Ghidra

Electronics & Microcontrollers for Absolute Beginners

The LoraWan Pager

Java based kinematics and robotics platform to reproduce a full stack 'BigDog style' controls system.

NPR: New Packet Radio

A2Z: A computer invented, designed and built from scratch. Custom CPU on FPGA

[Unresolved Mistery]Observations on interrupt collision between Arduino's millis() and attachInterrupt()

Itsy-Chipsy: Make your own $100 chip

NekoCal - an E-Ink Calendar

Can you get 32 level grayscale out of an E-ink display?

A ~4$, 4ICs, Z80 homemade computer on breadboard

The only ternary computer made for real in the past 50 years.

LoFive – Tiny RISC-V Microcontroller Board

ZeroPhone: a phone for tinkerers and hackers using a Raspberry Pi

Speed up pkgsrc on retrocomputers (2014)

ZeroPhone - a Raspberry Pi smartphone you can assemble for $50 in parts

Worlds first 32 bit Homebrew CPU

LCD117E adapted for a Nokia 1100 display

Pocket Wordlist

ZeroPhone – A Raspberry Pi smartphone

Tiny SCSI Emulator

Worlds First 32 Bit Homebrew CPU – 32 Bit Homebrew CPU Using 74' Series Logic

The 1kB Challenge: What can you do with 1kB of program memory?

4 bit computer built from discrete transistors

Teach Python to your 10 Year Old Ex #5

Teaching Python to a 10 Year Old