
Tag trends are in beta. Feedback? Thoughts? Email me at [email protected]

My custom home automation system

The Open Book

Test driven embedded rust development [Tutorial] | Hackaday.io

Programming for Windows 3.11 with modern tools (emulation in IDE)

Electromechanical refreshable Braille module

Chaos Computer – Illustrations by the Analog Computation of the Lorenz Equations

Jumperless: Breadboard Without Jumper

Show HN: YDrip – An open source water meter that detects leaks

Rectangular Micro QR Code (rMQR)

Analog Lorenz Attractor Computer.io

Slitherbot: A Snake robot with 3D printed skin actuated by micro-servos

Why is there no open source firmware for laser or inkjet printers? (2019)

VVD: an open source Real 3D Volumetric Display

PotatoP - A LISP-programmable laptop with battery life measured in years

Building an FM radio from $3 radio chip and an 84MHz ARM Arduino

The Gibson Rev 001 Dual LCD/E-Ink Cyberdeck

Perseus-9 homemade mobile dual 6502 computer

Crash – A real-time creative coding environment for robot arms

The 8bit Keyboard

Show HN: I built a cyberdeck just for fun

Self-made EL segment displays

Taking digital X-ray shots for cheap

Novasaur CP/M TTL Retrocomputer

Putting the flex on flexures

Hardware boot selection switch

Ferrofluid display cell Bluetooth speaker

Discovering a new VGA mode (2016)

Novasaur Retrocomputer

Reclaming precious RAM from the frame buffer porch

WinDIY – HAWT Wind Turbine

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