Wall Street Takes Workers’ Retirement Money and Uses It Against Them

Amazon Is Creating Company Towns Across the United States

Americans Owe $140 Billion to Collections Agencies Because of Medical Debt

Amazon and Jeff Bezos’s Worst Enemy Is Chris Smalls: It’s been a year since Amazon fired Chris Smalls for organizing a rally to protest COVID-19 conditions

The Fossil Fuel Companies Are Figuring Out Devious New Ways to Greenwash

Jeff Bezos’s Vanity Space Flight Was a Uniquely American Disgrace: Only in a country whose ruling class has grown deeply deluded could a space joy ride like Jeff Bezos’s be seen as cause for public celebration rather than the symptom of moral rot and institutional decay that it so clearly is.

Leave the Billionaires in Space: The space race playing out among billionaires like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk has little to do with science — it’s a PR-driven spectacle designed to distract us from the disasters capitalism is causing here on Earth.

Amazon Prime Day Is a Nightmare for Amazon Workers

Moderna’s Pledge Not to Enforce Patents on Their Covid-19 Vaccine Is Worthless

WeWork Was the Embodiment of Silicon Valley’s Culture of Delusion

Amazon Waged a Brutal Anti-Union Campaign. Unsurprisingly, They Won.

Amazon’s Anti-Union Activities Should All Be Illegal

How Korea Became a Forgotten War

Australian Facebook News Ban Isn’t About Democracy

A new study reveals some grim consequences of Wall Street's move into senior care: between 2004 and 2016, more than 20,000 Americans died as a consequence of living in nursing homes run by private equity firms.

Bill Gates's Foundation Is Leading a Green Counterrevolution in Africa

Amazon Is Facing an Unprecedented Union Vote in the Right-to-Work South

Comcast Got $1 Billion in Public Subsidies. Now Its Charging the Public New Data Fees.

Silicon Valley’s Vast Data Collection Should Worry You More Than TikTok

After Years of “Silencing, Repression, and Retaliation” at This Software Company, Workers Decided to Organize

Surveillance Corporations Are More Than Happy to Ride the Wave of Police Reform

Your Boss Is Spying on You — With millions of people now working from their homes, frantic bosses are buying high-tech surveillance software to track their employees’ every keystroke

"Amazon Is a Breeding Ground for Coronavirus"

Tech Companies Are Helping Bosses Monitor Everything You Do at Work

We Need Broadband Internet for All

An Unholy Alliance Against Public Transit

The Internet Should Be a Public Good

Homeless People Don’t Need an App, They Need a Fucking House

Msnbc systemically reports wrong poll numbers in their graphs

Uber Is a Scam

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