Japan government backs 4-day workweek

Girls need higher entrance exam scores than boys at 80% of Tokyo high schools

Cosmic rays causing 30k network malfunctions in Japan each year

Japan to target around 50% emissions cut by 2030: US media

New Soba Noodle-Making Robot at Japan Train Station Eatery Can Cook 150 Servings an Hour

Personal info on Japan's Line app accessible from China since August 2018

Telephoto fear: how lenses affect views of crowds

'Rent-a-person who does nothing' in Tokyo receives endless requests, gratitude

Japan facing credit card number shortage

Criticism of paper-and-fax coronavirus infection reports spark change in Japan

Toshiba develops technology to detect cancers from single drop of blood with 99 percent accuracy

Over 20 feared dead after explosion at Kyoto Animation studio, dozens injured

Tech to predict downpours, tornados 30 minutes in advance tested in Tokyo

First gene-edited babies claimed in China

Future of US energy is in small modular nuke reactors: deputy energy secretary

Insurance firm to replace human workers with AI system

The future of war: Israel first to deploy fully automated military robots

Test flight held for small jet modeled after Miyazaki anime

$12M stolen from 1,400 convenience store ATMs across Japan in 2 hours

Japanese workers saved their city from a nuclear bombing by burning coal tar

Japan's eight major automakers have decided to team up on basic research into fuel-efficient and eco-friendly engines as part of their efforts to minimize the cost of the research.