Decoupled Transactions: Low Tail Latency Transactions Atop Jittery Servers

A read-only transaction anomaly under snapshot isolation

Graviton2 and Graviton3

Progress Beats Perfect

Attitude Determines Your Success

Cores that don't count

Silent Data Corruptions at Scale

Sundial: Fault-tolerant Clock Synchronization for Datacenters

Your Attitude Determines Your Success

Foundational Distributed Systems Papers

Fine-Grained Replicated State Machines for a Cluster Storage System (NSDI 2020)

PigPaxos: Removing the Scalability Bottlenecks in Paxos

I Have Seen Things

Cross-Chain Deals and Adversarial Commerce

File Systems Unfit as Distributed Storage Back Ends: 10 Years of Ceph

Frugal Computing

Modeling a read-write version of Texel: an asynchronous consensus algorithm without rounds

Scalable Consistency in Scatter

Azure Cosmos DB: Microsoft's Cloud-Born Globally Distributed Database

An Empirical Study on Crash Recovery Bugs in Large-Scale Distributed Systems

2 phase commit and beyond

Is Twitter causally-consistent?

Judo-ing the Dunning-Kruger effect

SDPaxos: Building efficient semi-decentralized geo-replicated state machines

Debugging designs with TLA+

TLA+ specification of the consistent prefix guarantee

The many faces of consistency

Mind Your State for Your State of Mind

If You’re Not Writing a Program, Don't Use a Programming Language

Step by Step Towards Creating a Safe Smart Contract: Lessons and Insights from a Cryptocurrency Lab

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