Virtual Waiting Room Architecture That Handles High-Demand Ticket Sales at SeatGeek

8 Reasons Why WhatsApp Was Able to Support 50 Billion Messages a Day With Only 32 Engineers

How to Scale an App to 10 Million Users on AWS

Everything You Need to Know About Gossip Protocol

Everything You Need to Know About Micro Frontends

Everything You Need to Know About Consistent Hashing

What Happens When You Type in the Browser?

How Does Netflix Work?

How Giphy Delivers 10 Billion GIFs a Day to 1 Billion Users

How LinkedIn Adopted Protocol Buffers to Reduce Latency by 60%

Slack Architecture That Powers Billions of Messages a Day

Wechat Architecture That Powers 1.67 Billion Monthly Users

Top 5 Caching Patterns

Microservices Lessons From Netflix

How LinkedIn Scaled to 930 Million Users

How Shopify Handles Flash Sales at 32 Million Requests per Minute

6 Proven Guidelines on Open Sourcing From Tumblr

How Disney+ Hotstar Scaled to 25 Million Concurrent Users

Amazon Prime Video Microservices Top Failure

This Is How Stripe Does Rate Limiting to Build Scalable APIs

Tech Stack Evolution at

This Is How Airbnb Adopted HTTP Streaming to Save 84 Million USD in Costs

11 Reasons Why YouTube Was Able to Support 100 Million Video Views a Day With Only 9 Engineers

This Is How Quora Shards MySQL to Handle 13+ Terabytes

Tumblr Shares Database Migration Strategy With 60+ Billion Rows

Why WhatsApp Was Able to Support 50B Messages a Day with 32 Engineers