How to structure your Scala application?

An open-source Scala library for describing HTTP API endpoints

Scala application lifecycle, from pure Scala to FS2

My Way to Scala — part 1

GraphQL DataLoader in Spring Boot — singleton or request scoped?

GCP Goodies Part 9 — Time series data handling and visualization

How to communicate your Microservices?

Scala with JDK8, toString() method and ASCI art on the type level

Take Spring Boot, GraphQL and gRPC micro-services. Solve the N+1 query issue with DataLoader

sttp2: an overview of proposed changes

From @Transactional to type-safe, reasonable transactions

Tools That Make Work Faster

Painlessly passing message context through Akka Streams

GCP Goodies Part 3— Google Deployment Manager — Type Providers with Custom API

Human-readable case class diffs

GCP Goodies Part 4— Stackdriver monitoring

GCP Goodies Part 2— Google Deployment Manager with Kubernetes Type Provider

GCP Goodies Part 5— Stackdriver logging and log based alerting

Fixtures in Scala — three simple ways to reduce your test code boilerplate

Squeezing extra productivity out of Ammonite Scala REPL

This Month We've Learned — ScalaTest commands, cert-manager, HttpOnly cookies

What is it like to work remotely as a software developer?

GCP Goodies Part 1 — Google Deployment Manager Basics

Are you sure you’re using microservices?

7 mistakes when using Apache Cassandra

Hey, developer! There is no easy way out

IT Conferences Call For Papers List gets a Calendar

Bootzooka 2019: functional Scala and React

Does Kafka really guarantee the order of messages?

This Month We've Learned — AWS, Formik, json

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