What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell

Haskell Problems for a New Decade

Facebook Libra Is Architecturally Unsound

Let's Write an LLVM Specializer for Python

Monads to Machine Code (2016)

Rewrite Combinators in Haskell

Evaluation - Write you a Haskell

Reflecting on Haskell in 2017

[PDF] Stephen Diehl - Reasoning about Program Behavior Algebraically

Near Future of Programming Languages

What i wish i knew when learning haskell

From Monads to Machine Code

Write you a Haskell

Reflecting on Haskell in 2016

Dive into GHC: Intermediate Forms

Let's Write an LLVM Specializer for Python

A Sticky String Quandary

Editor Tooling

A Haskell Reading List

Functional Programming, Abstraction, and Names

Building a Better Custom Haskell Prelude

Write You a Haskell

Write You a Haskell: Building a modern functional compiler from first principles.

Influential Books

The Joy and Agony of Haskell in Production

Vim and Haskell in 2016

Monads to Machine Code (Part 1)

Functional Programming, Abstraction, and Names

Reflecting on Haskell in 2015

What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell

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