Microsoft redesigns Skype to look like the inside of a migraine

Wikileaks dump outs CIA's Brutal Kangaroo toolkit for hacking air-gapped network

ProtonMail lauds Google's EU fine after falling victim to firm's shady search practices - Firm says decision means no other firm will have to relive its 'nightmare scenario' - "For nearly a year, Google was hiding ProtonMail from search results for queries such as secure email and 'encrypted email"

Windows 10 will ignore your privacy and telemetry settings, even if you set them using group policies on Windows 10 Enterprise

US hacking bill could force the NSA to cough on WannaCry-style zero-day flaws

Tech firms force government backdown on weakened encryption demands

US court throws out $533m verdict against Apple over iTunes software

LeakedSource, the site selling stolen User Credentials has now been raided by the FBI, and have had their servers taken offline permanently.

Microsoft admits it's only sold 'thousands' of HoloLens devices, but that's all it needs

Microsoft is helping Thailand's military government spy on web users

Steam-backed HTC Vive outselling Facebook's Oculus Rift by two-to-one -- Facebook getting creamed by HTC, claims Epic's Tim Sweeney

Windows 10 is dropping WiFi connections, with no fix from Microsoft yet

Qualcomm fires shots at Intel with launch of 'world's first' 10nm server chip

Sir Tim Berners-Lee slams the Snoopers' Charter as a 'security nightmare'

Security Wizard Bruce Schneier Joins the Tor Project

Cyanogen 'fires 20 per cent of employees' as Android ROM flops

Symantec admits it won't patch 'catastrophic' security flaws until mid-July: Google's Project Zero described vulnerabilities as 'as bad as it gets'

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Internet has become 'world’s largest surveillance network'

Microsoft would rather not give its temporary workers better rights

Microsoft's heavy-handed Windows 10 tactics may be its undoing

Scientists accidentally create batteries that last a lifetime

Updategate: Windows 10 is resetting default apps back to Microsoft stock

Lenovo protects your backdoor security with a really, really bad password

Raspberry Pi founder wants to see self-driving, Raspberry Pi-powered robots on Robot Wars reboot

25000 linux systems compromised over two years, overconfidence exploited to steal credentials.

Pressure group takes action against CISA cyber security bill

Microsoft is downloading Windows 10 to your machine 'just in case'

Microsoft teams with Dell for Surface enterprise push ahead of iPad Pro launch

UK shames rivals with fastest average 3G and 4G speeds in the world

The NSA had considered ceasing mass surveillance before Snowden

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