Dropwizard returns with parallel 3.0 and 4.0 releases

What Roman Elizarov - creator of Coroutines - thinks about Virtual Threads

TLDW: Opinionated Wrap-up of KotlinConf 2023 Keynote

JDK 21 Strikes Back: Stable Virtual Threads and Generational ZGC

There is more in JDK 20 than JEPs themselves

The first information on Java 21: What will the next LTS version bring?

Will Java finally become a good language for learning programming?

Will Valhalla bring better nulls to Java?

What does the "State of Developer Ecosystem 2022" tell us about Java and the JVM?

Curious about Carbon Footprint your application has? There's a tool to measure it.

JDK enters 2023: plans for the year, first JEPs and Preview feature retrospective

Everything you might have missed in Java in 2022

Galahad embarks on a journey to bring GraalVM to Java

Feature Freeze for JDK 20 - what will the new edition bring?

The road to AWS Lambda SnapStart: The guide through the years of JVM "cold start" tinkering

Java community seeks happiness beyond Twitter. Want to join?

The New Age for Spring - Spring Framework 6.0, Spring Boot 3.0 and lack of support for pre-JDK 17

Much Ado About Observability: easier profiling thanks to new JEP and Quarkus dropping (one 😉) MicroProfile standard

How does a made-for-JVM Linux distro perform? Alpaquita Linux benchmarks are impressive

How contributing GraalVM to OpenJDK changes the rules for Project Leyden

What does Kotlin have to offer for Java developers in 2022?

Google will support OpenJDK development: the giant's investments in Java and Kotlin

The overview of the new JEPs: String Templating, Sequenced Collections, Project Liliput and others

Will Jakarta EE Core compete with Microprofile for the hearts of microservices developers?

How to better understand what JDK 19 brings?

What does the future hold for Project Amber?