FCC says 'one or more' wireless carriers have illegally disclosed location data

European envoy calls for Western unity against Chinese artificial intelligence

Small-town America fights for its life

Uruguay's detective of despair

‘Tremendous value’: White House began storing texts last year, creating evidence cache for Democrats

Sorry Republicans, but surveilling schoolchildren is an awful idea

Britain's unexplained wealth orders give the state too much power

New Zealand’s privacy commissioner brands Facebook ‘morally bankrupt pathological liars’

A year after net neutrality's demise, the Internet is faster

Why Facebook can’t be 'fixed'

DC council passes nation's most aggressive 100 percent renewable energy bill, mandates eliminating fossil fuels

Privacy group seeks last-minute Brett Kavanaugh delay, citing ‘extraordinary' new disclosure

Energy Department teams up with Bill Gates to move mini-nuclear plants to market

Trump warns Google, Facebook, Twitter: 'Better be careful' about political bias

FCC blames IT chief hired during Obama administration for false 'net neutrality' cyberattack claim

Julian Assange to be handed over to UK officials: Report

Brett Kavanaugh's defense of NSA phone surveillance looms as confirmation question

NSA deletes years of call records, says it exceeded legal limit

On 5th anniversary of Snowden leak, one state effectively bans the NSA

Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces (2010)

Edward Snowden: Facebook is a surveillance company rebranded as 'social media'

Activists smash sound equipment at 'Google memo' author's university talk

Open Nazi, default GOP nominee for Congress, says not a 'single-issue candidate'

President Trump said his decision to impose tariffs on solar panel imports is bringing back solar manufacturing to the nation, which the solar industry called out as misleading and untrue.

Lawmakers want James Clapper prosecuted for surveillance testimony before statute of limitations runs out

Puerto Rico blackout sparks interest in solar power for island's electric grid - “the energy industry and other stakeholders are aiming to turn disaster into opportunity, proposing a long-term reimagining of the electricity grid.”

Foreign hackers hijacked most DC police security cameras before inauguration

Ted Cruz lays out how a 'snowflake' learns about net neutrality 'propaganda'

Net neutrality supporters prepare to take FCC ruling to the courts

Legal pot in 100 days? New Jersey's next governor aims for national first

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