Coronavirus: A team from MIT is producing an open-source, low-cost ventilator design

Sweden gives all employees time off to be entrepreneurs

Whales are vital to curb climate change – this is the reason why

Scottish startup is helping the country's farmers grow salt-resistant plants using seawater

Icelandic farmers' secret ingredient? Volcanoes

NASA worked out how to make food out of thin air – and it could feed billions

Millions of people eat octopus- why we shouldn't

The Digital Skill Gap is widening Fast!

Russia’s permafrost is melting and it could have a devastating global effect

Being multilingual alters your experience of time (2018)

China is building a floating train that could be faster than air travel

India is now producing the world’s cheapest solar power

Sweden has invented a word to encourage people not to fly. And it’s working

World Economic Forum – Life Hacks from Marcus Aurelius: How Stoicism Can Help Us

It's time to switch to a four-day working week, say these two Davos experts

Scientists have discovered a sea of fresh water under the ocean

Saving Mankind from self-destruction: A "repair economy" might fix more than just stuff. It could fix us as well.

Redesigning Trust: Blockchain for Supply Chains – World Economic Forum

Anxiety could be treated by exposure to cold

South Korea now recycles 95% of its food waste

China and India Will Overtake US Economy by 2030

These are all the world's major religions in one map

There are more than 1B guns in the world

Fighting Cybercrime – What Happens to the Law When the Law Cannot Be Enforced?

South Korea and Sweden are the most innovative countries in the world

Which countries are on the right track, according to their citizens? (2017)

Spain will soon overtake Japan in life expectancy rankings

When loss of life is inevitable, autonomous cars must choose who to spare. Machine ethics show a preference for the young and the physically fit.

Sweden's cashless society is no longer a utopia

Renewables will be cheaper than fossil fuels by 2020

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