US Climate Envoy John Kerry Says 'We Just Have to End' Fossil Fuel Subsidies

New York AG Reveals Telecom Giants Funded 'Secret Campaign' to Flood FCC With Fake Net Neutrality Comments

Warnings of Growing 'Surveillance Empire' as AI Van Cameras Give Amazon 'Roaming Eyes in Every Neighborhood'

Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Streaming, Meme-Sharing into Omnibus Bill

Critics Warn Repeal of Section 230 'Would Be Devastating for Human Rights, Social Movements, and Marginalized People'

'We Are at a Monumental Turning Point': Sued by 38 Attorneys General, Google Hit With Third Antitrust Case

The CASE Act Is Just the Beginning of the Next Copyright Battle

Director of National Intelligence Admits Government Used Section 215 to Track Browsing History

If Pay Had Kept Pace with Productivity Gains Since 1968, Wages Would Be $24/Hr

Watchdog Fights Back as Facebook Attempts to Shut Down Research Exposing 'Political Disinformation' in Ad Practices

'Huge Victory for Net Neutrality': Top EU Court Rebuffs Zero-Rating Schemes

Former NSA Chief Keith Alexander—Who Lied About Mass Surveillance—Joins Amazon's Board, reports Brett Wilkins of CommonDreams

'Every City Council Should Follow Suit': Portland, Oregon Becomes First US City to Ban Corporate Use of Facial Recognition Surveillance

Privacy Advocates Demand Ban on Facial Recognition in Schools in Response to Damning Study on the Technology

'War Is Not a Game': AOC to File Amendment Banning US Military From Recruiting on Twitch

Because Going to War 'Is Not a Game,' Lawmakers Urged to Vote for AOC's Ban Military Recruiting on Twitch

As Poor and Working Class in US Face Financial Cliff, Bezos Grew Record-Setting $13 Billion Richer on Monday

'A Victory for Us All': In Rebuke to US Mass Surveillance, EU Court Blocks Data Transfers by Web Corporations

'This Bill Should Immediately Pass': Applause for New US Legislation to Ban Facial Recognition

'Their Masks Are Off': Facebook Removes Trump Ads Using Nazi Concentration Camp Symbol Used to Signify Political Prisoners

US Slammed as 'Rogue State' for Withdrawing From Global Effort to Make Tech Giants Pay Fair Share in Taxes

'Exceptionally Troubling': Researchers Show Hack-for-Hire Operation Targeted Groups Fighting for Climate Action and Net Neutrality

100+ Racial Justice Groups Urge Congress to Defund 'Unconstitutional and Dangerous' Police Surveillance: "Use of these tools to monitor protesters is having a chilling effect against those exercising their constitutional rights to assemble and express their views."

Facebook Ignored Internal Warnings Its Algorithms Were Intensifying Divisiveness: Report

'Just Let the Patriot Act Die You Cowards': House Lawmakers Urged to Vote Down Flawed Domestic Spy Bill

'Real Teeth': Senator's Bill Would Punish CEOs With Up to 20 Years in Jail for Violating Consumer Privacy Rules

Senate Pushing a Dangerous Surveillance Bill as Americans Focused on COVID-19

US Threatens ICC Staff Families With Consequences in response to war crime probe

Italians Found Way to 3-D Print Key Ventilator Piece for $1 to Help Battle Coronavirus—So the Company With the Patent Is Threatening to Sue

Because Facial Recognition Makes Students and Faculty Less Safe, 40+ Rights Groups Call on Universities to Ban Technology

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