Physicians Vastly Underestimate Patients’ Willingness to Share Sexual Orientation. More than three-quarters of hospital E.R

In a preclinical study in mice and human cells, researchers report that selectively removing old or ‘senescent’ cells from joints could stop and even reverse the progression of osteoarthritis.

A hand-held EEG device can quickly and with 97% accuracy rule out whether a person with a head injury likely has brain bleeding and needs further evaluation and treatment, without needing a CT scan, in a clinical trial conducted among adults in 11 hospitals.

Experts Find Strong Case for Over-The-Counter Oral Contraceptives for Adults and Teens

Study Affirms That Cocaine Makes Users More Likely To Risk Unsafe Sex. Results reinforce need to provide condoms to drug users, researchers say.

Bacterium known to cause chronic inflammatory gum infections also triggers the inflammatory “autoimmune” response characteristic of chronic, joint-destroying rheumatoid arthritis…

Researchers have discovered a cellular "off" switch for the inflammatory immune response that causes asthma attacks.

Study of more than 13,000 people has found even after accounting for such risk factors as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, morbid obesity appears to stand alone as a standout risk for heart failure…

Neurons Constantly Alter Their DNA (2015)

Yeast Infection Linked to Mental Illness

Physicians and biomedical engineers from Johns Hopkins report what they believe is the first successful effort to wiggle fingers individually and independently of each other using a mind-controlled artificial “arm” to control the movement.

New Type of Antidepressant Found to Act Quickly in Mice - The compound has already been tested in humans for other purposes and found to be nontoxic

Results of a head-to-head comparison study show that noninvasive CT scans of the heart’s vessels are far better at spotting clogged arteries that can trigger a heart attack than the commonly prescribed exercise stress that most patients with chest pain undergo.

Engineers and physicians have developed a hand-held, battery-powered device that quickly picks up vital signs from a patient’s lips and fingertip

Cutting-edge research at Hopkins: ‘Extreme’ Exposure to Secondhand Cannabis Smoke Causes Mild Intoxication - 05/13/2015

Treadmill Performance Predicts Mortality

Multiple allergic reactions traced to single protein

A Johns Hopkins Medical University study found that algae in our throats can cause changes to our brains

Memories of errors foster faster learning: Researchers have long known that people learn a motor task faster the second or third time around, but they did not know why.New study shows that the reason is not only memories of the task itself, but also of errors made while learning to do the task

Newborns exposed to dirt, dander, germs may have lower allergy, asthma risk: Infants exposed to rodent and pet dander, roach allergens and a wide variety of household bacteria in the first year of life appear less likely to suffer from allergies…