Pianists learn to play with robotic third thumb in just one hour

Malarial mosquitoes are completely suppressed in gene drive experiments that mimic natural environments

Major nuclear fusion milestone reached as ‘ignition’ triggered in a lab

The numbers of children orphaned due to COVID-19 continues to grow rapidly and is accelerating, according to new research.

Study finds huge global potential for energy from rooftop solar panels - "This potential of 27 PWh per annum from rooftop solar is very significant

Fasting during Ramadan is safe and may lower blood pressure – at least temporarily – for both healthy people and those with hypertension.

Coronavirus infections three times lower in double vaccinated people

Histamine could be a key player in depression, according to study in mice - Findings from research at Imperial College London & Uni South Carolina add to mounting evidence that inflammation and the accompanying release of histamine affects a key molecule responsible for mood in the brain – serotonin

Many ICU staff have experienced mental health disorders in COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 antibodies persist at least nine months after infection

Global satellite data shows clouds will amplify global heating

Scientists have found almost a quarter of elite adult rugby players have brain structure abnormalities as a result of repeated head impacts

Researchers have shown ‘gene drive’ technology that suppressed populations of a malaria-carrying mosquito in a year-long experiment mimicking natural environments.

New insight into how plasma heats up could help optimise fusion reactions

Lead from leaded petrol persists in London air despite ‘90s ban: Research shows that 40% of the lead found in London's airborne particles comes from the legacy of leaded gas — a pollutant banned back in 1999.

Altering a mosquito’s gut genes to make them spread antimalarial genes to the next generation of their species shows promise for curbing malaria, according to a study by researchers from Imperial College London

UK researchers identify inflammatory protein linked to severe COVID-19

Research shows a fire suppressant, when combined with water, cuts the amount of time and water needed to extinguish peat fires by 40%

Researchers find the earliest bacteria had the tools to perform a crucial step in photosynthesis, showing the process previously thought to take billions of years to evolve could be as old as life itself, and suggesting other planets may have evolved complex life much earlier than previously thought

Single dose of vaccine acts as ‘booster’ in those with prior COVID-19 infection

Poor nutrition in school years may have created 20cm height gap across nations

Ice sheet uncertainties could mean sea level will rise more than predicted

Coronavirus antibody prevalence falling in England, REACT study (Imperial) shows

"Precariously balanced rocks" function as "inverse seismometers," indicating a historic lack of earthquakes beyond a certain strength

Severe morning sickness increases the risk of depression both during and after pregnancy, new research has found: Far more serious than 'normal' morning sickness, it is one of the most common reasons for hospitalisation during pregnancy and can continue right up until birth

Imperial mathematician scoops $3M Breakthrough Prize

Researchers have sequenced the genome of Alexander Fleming’s penicillin mould for the first time and compared it to later versions

Herbivores, not predators, most at risk of extinction

Urine test reveals quality of your diet – and whether it’s best for your body

Asteroid impact, not volcanoes, made the Earth uninhabitable for dinosaurs

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