Chinese maglev hyperloop train hits 387 mph and could someday outpace a plane.

Underwater volcano eruption 7,300 years ago is the largest in recorded history

Study suggests a 'dark mirror' universe within ours where atoms failed to form

Brightest black hole ever discovered devours a sun's-worth of matter every day

'Quantum memory breakthrough' may lead to a quantum internet

Marker for the collapse of key Atlantic current discovered

'City killer' asteroid makes its closest approach to Earth for centuries today

Poisoned AI went rogue during training and couldn't be taught to behave again in 'legitimately scary' study

Lasers reveal ancient settlements hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest

Scientists discover near-Earth asteroid hours before it exploded over Berlin

Japan's coastline moved over 800 feet after the devastating Jan 1. earthquake

ChatGPT will lie, cheat, use insider trading when under pressure to make money

'Impossible' orange auroras spotted in UK after solar storm slams into Earth

Robot hand exceptionally 'human-like' thanks to new 3D printing technique

Tractor Beams Are Real, and Could Solve a Major Space Junk Problem

'Sunspot archipelago' 15 times wider than Earth could soon bombard us

Elephants give each other names – first non-human animals to do so, study claims

JWT finds an 'extreme' glow coming from 90% of the universe's earliest galaxies

Orcas are learning terrifying new behaviors. Are they getting smarter?

World's Smallest Particle Accelerator

Rare 2,100-year-old gold coin bears name of obscure ruler from pre-Roman Britain

When did humans start burying their dead?

Gulf Stream weakening now 99% certain, and ramifications will be global

Orcas that hunted alongside humans might be extinct

New poppy seed-sized fuel pellets could power nuclear reactors on the moon

Black holes keep 'burping up' stars they destroyed years earlier

Eerie, ultra-detailed photo of a lightning 'sprite' exposes one of nature's least understood phenomena

Mysterious bubble 10k the size of the Milky Way could be relic from the Big Bang

Humans faced a 'close call with extinction' nearly a million years ago

CRISPR used to 'reprogram' cancer cells into healthy muscle in the lab

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